Engine optimization - Web site Content: Content is king
In your search
engine optimization [SEO] efforts attention needs to be paid to three
- Unique content Which we will discuss here
- Keyword density and keyword relevance
- Link popularity
The last two are discussed elsewhere on this web site |
So you must have heard the statement, Content
is king!! This is so true
but with some modification
Unique, frequently updated, useful content is king!!
It is no longer acceptable
to write any old shpill on any old topic and
put it up as a webpage.
In writing the content of your web site you must bear in mind Googles
main goal.
We focus on Google because it controls the lion's share of the search
engines traffic
Google aims to deliver
relevant, up to date, cutting edge information
to anyone that enters a query into their search engine.
It is
of their ability to do this that google has become the search engine
king of the Internet, and will remain so for the foreseeable future
So your web site content must match the keywords you are targeting from
search engine optimization point of view with pin point, laser targeted
Also google does not like stale web site content so you must update
web pages from time to time. You can get fresh content by
- Writing content
yourself. This is what i do in most
of my web sites. This gives you complete control of what content is on
your webpages. The downside of this is it is quite time consuming
coming up with fresh content and not everyone can write.
- Get content written
for you by freelance authors. You
can pay a reasonably affordable amount of money and get someone to
write you a bunch of unique, keyword targeted articles. Advantage of
this is that they are professional writers so they will give you well
optimized content. Usually!! A web site that offers such a service is
- Get Private label
rights [PLR] articles. They cost
you a pittance and you can alter them however you wish and use them as
you want. There is some great content to be had in PLR articles.
- Use RSS feeds.
RSS stands for really simple
syndication. It is a way of streaming information from other web sites
onto your webpage
- Allow your web
site's visitors to comment on your
content. The comments they live go towards the content of your
web site
and could contribute greatly to your search engine optimization
The main point to take away from this page is that the first place to
start your search engine optimization campaign is by writing pages with
unique, fresh web site content
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